1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Nelson County Jail (language only)

Item 78 #2c

Item 78 #2c

Compensation Board

Page 56, line 47, following "K.2.," insert "and K.3.,"
Page 56, line 55, following "1," strike "1997" and insert "1998"
Page 57, following line 57, insert:
"3.  Any locality covered by the provisions of this section shall be exempt from the provisions thereof provided that the locally elected sheriff, with the assistance of the Compensation Board, enters into good faith negotiations to house his prisoners in an existing local or regional jail.  In establishing the per diem rate and capital contribution, if any, to be charged to such locality by a local or regional jail, the Compensation Board and the local sheriff or regional jail authority shall consider the operating support and capital contribution made by the Commonwealth, as required by §15.1-91, Code of Virginia.  The Compensation Board shall report periodically to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on the progress of these negotiations and may withhold the exemption granted by this paragraph if, in the Board's opinion, the local sheriff fails to negotiate in good faith. "

(This amendment continues funding for staffing small jails while planning continues to improve cost efficiencies and regional cooperation.)