1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Norfolk Laboratory (language only)

Item 61 #2c

Item 61 #2c

General Services, Department of

Page 35, Following line 3, insert:
"The Department of General Services shall negotiate the acquisition of real property by lease from the City of Norfolk to provide space for the Division of Forensic Science, the Department of Health, and any other state agency that might need laboratory, clinical or office space, to be situated in such location as the affected agencies and the City of Norfolk shall agree; provided, however, the cost of any lease so negotiated shall be at competitive rates and terms, and the lease shall be subject to the approval of the Governor pursuant to §2.1-504.2, Code of Virginia."

(This amendment restates the authority of the Department of General Services to negotiate with the City of Norfolk for the provision of space in the new Public Health Center. These negotiations have been ongoing since first authorized by similar language in the 1993 Appropriations Act.)