1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Telecom Recoveries

Item 531 #7c

Item 531 #7c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY1997 $0 FY1998 ($2,460,998) GF

Page 358, line 14, strike "($10,160,282)" and insert "($12,621,280)".
Page 51, line 51, after "D." insert "1."
Page 358, line 52, after "shall", insert "take appropriate actions and".
Page 358, line 54, after "amounts", strike "from".
Page 358, line 55, strike "the general fund".
Page 359, line 1, strike "general fund".
Page 359, line 3, strike "839,367" and insert "3,107,367".
Page 359, line 7, after "prescribe.", strike the remainder of the line.
Page 359, strike lines 8 through 10.
Page 359, after line 10, insert:
"2. The Director of the Department of Information Technology shall take the necessary actions and provide the information necessary for the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget to withhold from agency appropriations such general and non-general fund amounts for Computer Services and telecommunications services in excess of the amounts required, based on savings to be achieved from rate reductions, and to transfer such amounts to this item.  The general fund reduction to be achieved by this action is estimated at $2,460,998 in the second year.    The non-general fund reduction to be achieved by this action is estimated at $3,498,652 in the second year.  These amounts are to be withheld prior to June 30, 1998, and the non-general funds transferred to the general fund under such rules and regulations as the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget may prescribe."

(This amendment recovers excess fund balances, which will become available based on computer and telecommunications rate reductions implemented by the Department of Information Technology.)