1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Railroad Crossing Predictors (language only)

Item 517 #1c

Item 517 #1c

Rail and Public Transportation, Department of

Page 342, line nine, insert "A." before "Out"
Page 342, after line 21, insert:
"B. Out of the amounts available from federal ISTEA set-aside safety funds (Section 130) in the second year, $125,000 shall be provided to install constant-warning time devices at certain specified rail crossings in the City of Manassas."

(This amendment allocates $125,000 in federal set-aside safety funds annually available to the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for railroad safety projects in the City of Manassas. These funds will be used to install devices at specified railroad crossings which will lower the protective gates in accordance with the speed of an approaching train. This will avoid premature gate lowerings, which currently result in unnecessary automobile delays.)