1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Additional Mass Transit Support

Item 516 #1c

Item 516 #1c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Rail and Public Transportation, Department of FY1997 $0 FY1998 $4,500,000 NGF

Page 339, line 48, strike "$92,116,700" and insert "$96,616,700".
Page 342, after line 3, insert:
"G.1.  Out of this appropriation, an additional $2,100,000 from the Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund and $2,000,000 from unobligated balances in the Industrial, Rail, and Airport Access Program shall be made available in the second year for state aid to local mass transit organizations.  The basis for distributing this supplemental operating assistance shall be determined by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, in consultation with the Department of Rail and Public Transportation.  The supplemental distribution formula shall consider lost federal operating assistance, as well as the relative need, efficiency, and performance of local transit properties.
2.  In addition, $400,000 shall be allocated from unobligated balances in the Industrial, Rail, and Airport Access Program for replacement vehicles to programs that provide special transportation services for the disabled and the aging, with priority given to programs in localities that integrate and coordinate their transportation resources to the maximum extent practicable."

(This amendment provides a supplement of $4.1 million to public transportation from Highway Maintenance and Operating Funds and unobligated access program funds in the second year to help offset federal aid cuts. The General Assembly provided $1.0 million to partially offset the cut in fiscal year 1997. In addition, $400,000 is provided for replacement vehicles to programs that provide special transportation services for the disabled and the aging.)