1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Access Road Balances (language only)

Item 505 #3c

Item 505 #3c

Transportation, Department of

Page 333, line 4, after the "." insert:
"Any balance in the Industrial, Airport and Rail Access program at the end of each fiscal year that exceeds an amount equal to the annual appropriation shall be available in the next fiscal year for allocation to other transportation programs."

(This amendment limits the fiscal year balances of the Industrial, Airport and Rail Access program to an amount equal to the annual appropriation, which is currently $5.5 million. The fiscal year 1997 balance is estimated at $16.0 million. The amendment would limit the balance to $5.5 million, making $11.0 million available for the program in the next fiscal year. The excess balance would be available for allocation to other transportation programs.)