1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Defer Mecklenburg Double-Bunking

Item 457 #10c

Item 457 #10c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Public Safety
Institutions, Division of FY1997 ($96,773) FY1998 ($412,376) GF

Page 296, line 18, strike "$256,408,607" and insert "$256,311,834".
Page 296, line 18, strike "$302,165,834" and insert "$301,753,458".

(This amendment reduces the operating budget for double-bunking Mecklenburg Correctional Center by $96,773 the first year and $412,376 the second year, in recognition that the double-bunking will be delayed. The $7.2 million portion of the capital project required for the double-bunking has been delayed because the low bid on the project came in substantially over budget.)