1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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COPS program technical assistance staff

Item 435 #2c

Item 435 #2c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Public Safety
Criminal Justice Services, Department of FY1997 $0 FY1998 $115,000 GF
FY1997 0.00 FY1998 2.00 FTE

Page 285, line 48, strike "$1,042,249" and insert "$1,157,249".
Page 286, after line 6, insert:
"The amounts for Law Enforcement Technical Assistance include $115,000 the second year from the general fund for 2.0 FTE positions to provide technical assistance to local law enforcement agencies in developing, financing and implementing community policing programs that will address the unique needs of each community in combating crime and improving the quality of life."

(This amendment is self-explanatory. Companion amendments in Items 438 and 433 establish and fund a financial assistance program and a fiscal support position.)