1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Disaster Fund-HJR 72 (language only)

Item 42 #1c

Item 42 #1c

Executive Offices
Governor, Office of the

Page 25, line 30,  strike "disaster and " and insert:
"of emergency or authorization by the Governor of the sum sufficient, pursuant to §44-146.28, Code of Virginia.  Any appropriation authorized by this item".
Page 25, line 30,  strike "by" and insert:
"for payment of eligible costs according to".
Page 25, line 31, strike "by" and insert "of".
Page 25, line 32, strike "the" and insert "this".
Page 25, following line 33, insert:
"B. Any amount authorized for expenditure pursuant to §44-1146.28, Code of Virginia, shall be paid to eligible jurisdictions in accordance with guidelines and procedures established by the Department of Emergency Services, pursuant to §44-146.28, Code of Virginia."
Page 25 , line 34, strike "B" and insert "C".
Page 25, line 43, strike "C" and insert "D".

(This amendment conforms budget language concerning expenditures for emergency relief to the provisions of House Bill 2670, which has passed the General Assembly.)