1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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DEQ - Environmental Monitoring

Item 410 #1c

Item 410 #1c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of FY1997 $0 FY1998 $700,000 GF
FY1997 0.00 FY1998 6.00 FTE

Page 267, line 55, strike "$6,653,877" and insert "$7,353,877".
Page 268, line 11, insert "A." before "This"
Page 268, after line 18, insert:
"B.1.  This item includes $700,000 the second year from the general fund for additional statewide water quality monitoring.  The funds shall be used to develop and implement consistent site and monitoring techniques to ensure reliability and to determine trends; increase frequency and amount of toxins analysis, biological monitoring, and fish tissue sampling; expand the number of river miles monitored; and ensure the monitoring of all four conventional pollutants at all stations.
2.  If the Department determines it is more efficient and effective to contract for laboratory services, the Department is authorized to do so.  However, the Department shall not enter into a contract with a private laboratory that has a conflict of interest because of contractual or other relationships with Virginia facilities regulated by the Department.  In addition, any private laboratory that enters into a contract with the Department for water quality monitoring shall comply with the provisions of Senate Bill 1039 (1997), if the legislation is enacted into law."

(This amendment provides additional general fund support to bolster the Department's efforts to monitor water quality throughout the state, and authorizes the Department to contract out for the required laboratory services. The amendment directs the Department to increase the frequency of monitoring, including toxic and biological monitoring. Also, the Department is directed to expand the number of river miles to be monitored. Moreover, six additional positions are appropriated for inspection and monitoring activities.)