1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

View Budget Item
View Budget Item amendments

Increase VIEW Local Allocation & Modify

Item 390 #1c

Item 390 #1c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of FY1997 $0 FY1998 $6,000,000 NGF

Page 259, line 15, strike "$47,350,159" and insert "$53,350,159".
Page 259,  lines 51, following "program.", strike "These performance".
Page 259, strike line 52.
Page 259, line 53, strike "allocations for the 1998-2000 biennium.  The", and insert "For fiscal year 1998 the".
Page 259, line 55, following "services" strike "according to a formula", and insert:
"based on these performance standards and VIEW caseloads.  The allocation formula shall be developed in cooperation with the local social services departments and the Department of Planning and Budget."
Page 259, strike line 56.

(This amendment appropriates additional federal funds to local departments of social services for implementing the work requirements associated with welfare reform. The source of these funds is the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families federal welfare reform block grant. With this appropriation, each locality would receive more equitable allocations. In addition, it amends language proposed in the introduced budget that would have allocated welfare reform funds to localities according to a formula approved by the Department of Planning and Budget. Instead, allocations would be distributed to localities based on performance standards and the portion of welfare caseloads required to work, starting the second year, in cooperation with the local social services departments and the Department of Planning and Budget.)