1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Child Day Care Resource & Referral (language only)

Item 388 #2c

Item 388 #2c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 257, line 31, after "1995.", strike the rest of the line.
Page 257, strike lines 32 and 33.
Page 257, line 34, strike "in effect on October 1, 1996."
Page 257, line 48, strike "505,665" and insert "755,665".
Page 257, line 49, after "second year" strike "for" and  insert "to support".
Page 257, line 50, after "System" insert:
", to expand the system to provide resource and referral information on child day care availability and providers in localities throughout the state, and to publish consumer-oriented materials for those interested in learning the location of child day care providers throughout the state".
Page 257, line 52, after "and", strike the second "$200,000" and insert "$600,000".

(This amendment deletes language added in the introduced budget to change the source for directing how the federal block grant funding would be expended on and after October 1, 1996. This amendment also designates from federal funds: (1) an additional $250,000 to expand the statewide Information and Referral System, to include statewide information on child day care availability and providers; and (2) an additional $400,000 for scholarships to college students in early childhood education programs.)