1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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DSS-Information Technology Planning Committee (language only)

Item 383 #3c

Item 383 #3c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 251, after line 31, insert:
"2. To provide adequate oversight of the implementation of automated systems, and to ensure coordination with local social services agencies, the Department of Social Services shall maintain a Local Information Technology Planning Committee.  The Committee shall include one representative each from the Council on Information Management, the Department of Information Technology, the Department of Social Services, the Department of Medical Assistance Services, and the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, and at least five local social services personnel to be selected by the Virginia League of Social Service Executives.  The Committee shall provide advice to the Commissioner on all computer and telecommunications systems operated by the Department in support of programs administered by local social services agencies."
Page 251, line 32, strike "2" and insert "3".
Page 251, line 37, after "shall" insert:
"be conducted under the direction of the DSS Local Information Technology Planning Committee and shall".
Page 251, line 56, strike "3" and insert "4".
Page 252, line 7, after "may" insert "not use or".
Page 252, line 8, after "purchases" insert "." and strike the remainder of the line.
Page 252, strike line 9 through 11.
Page 252, line 22, after "include", strike "both" and insert "direct".
Page 252, line 23, after "costs" insert:
"and properly allocated indirect costs".
Page 252, line 27, after "operation of the" strike "system" and insert "network".
Page 252, line 29, after "Budget" strike "and" and insert ",".
Page 252, line 30, after "Management" strike "a brief" and insert:
", and the DSS Local Information Technology Planning Committee a detailed and fully burdened".
Page 252, line 31, after "received." strike the remainder of the line.
Page 252, line 31, after "received." insert:
"In selecting an approach for implementation, the Department of Social Services shall consider, among other factors it deems appropriate, the cost-effectiveness comparison and the recommendation of the DSS Local Information Technology Planning Committee."
Page 252, strike line 32 through 35.

(This amendment provides that audits of the Application Benefit Delivery Automation Project (ADAPT) be conducted under the direction of the Department of Social Services' (DSS) Local Information Technology Planning Committee. In addition, it prohibits the Department of Information Technology from using or selling excess capacity of equipment and products purchased by the Department of Social Services for the ADAPT project. The amendment also clarifies that the Department of Social Services must obtain cost estimates on its Network 2000 project which would include direct capital costs and properly allocated indirect costs. Further, language is added to require the Department to consider factors such as cost-effectiveness and the recommendation of the DSS Local Information Technology Planning Committee in selecting an approach for implementing Network 2000.)