1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Savings in NVMHI

Item 351 #1c

Item 351 #1c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Health And Human Resources
Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute FY1997 ($2,353,100) FY1998 ($1,005,000) GF

Page 241, line 4, strike "$11,905,655" and insert "$9,552,555".
Page 241, line 4, strike "$13,586,383" and insert "$12,581,383".

(This amendment captures savings in the first year anticipated from a delay in opening new beds at the Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute. In the second year, savings are achieved when the beds open, and costs for purchasing services from other sources are reduced. Savings from this item are reinvested in community services for mentally disabled persons, and are provided as funding increases in companion amendments in Items 327 and 333.)