1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Language on NVMHI (language only)

Item 350 #1c

Item 350 #1c

Health And Human Resources
Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute

Page 240, strike lines 39 through 49.
Page 240, line 39, insert:
"Notwithstanding §4-7.01b, should an increase in the position level number or funds for the Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute be required due to agreement, litigation, or settlement with the United States Department of Justice, or in the alternative, in order to avoid such litigation, settlement or agreement, the Governor shall have the authority to make such increase.  Funding for this increase shall be provided from unexpended balances of all agencies as of June 30, 1997, or from the unappropriated balance of this act.  Any increase made under this provision shall be reported in writing to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance Committee within ten days of such approval."
Page 241, strike lines 1 through 3.

(This amendment authorizes the Governor to increase positions or funding in response to any agreement reached with the Department of Justice. If additional funds are required, they shall be provided from the unexpended balances of all agencies or from the unappropriated balance of this act.)