1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

MHMRSAS Reinvestment Language (language only)

Item 327 #4c

Item 327 #4c

Health And Human Resources
Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, Department of

Page 233, line 15, after "1997" insert "and 1998".
Page 233, line 16, after "1997" insert "and 1998".
Page 233, line 19, after "plan", insert ":".
Page 233, line 21, after "services" strike "and" and insert ";".
Page 233, line 22, after "services" insert:
"; and for reducing utilization, operation and long-term capital costs in facilities".
Page 233, line 23, after "the" strike "1997" and insert:
"Governor by September 1 each year for consideration in budget recommendations and to the".

(This amendment requires the Department to develop a plan for reinvesting savings for services to mentally disabled persons, by amending language in the introduced budget: (1) requiring a plan each year of the biennium instead of 1997 only, (2) including as a purpose of the plan a reduction in facility utilization and costs while expanding community-based services, and (3) requiring the Governor to consider the reinvestment plan in developing budget recommendations for approval by the General Assembly.)