1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Consumer-directed PAS (language only)

Item 322 #6c

Item 322 #6c

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 224, line 49, strike "elderly or disabled" and insert:
"eligible to participate in the Department of Rehabilitative Services' personal assistance program".
Page 224, line 57, following "reimbursement.", insert:
"The Department shall follow the procedures of Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act as set forth in §9-6.14:7.1, Code of Virginia, in promulgating regulations to implement these services for other Virginians who may be eligible for the program."

(This amendment restricts the Department's ability to promulgate emergency regulations for consumer-directed personal assistance services for persons other than those who are eligible to participate in a current program offered through the Department of Rehabilitative Services. Further, it requires the Department to follow the full regulatory process in promulgating regulations for consumer-directed personal assistance services for persons other than those eligible to participate in a current program offered through the Department of Rehabilitative Services.)