1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Spec. NF Rate for Traumatic Brain Injury

Item 322 #1c

Item 322 #1c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY1997 $0 FY1998 $243,000 GF
FY1997 $0 FY1998 $257,000 NGF

Page 222, line 21, strike "$2,328,015,924" and insert "$2,328,515,924".
Page 224, after line 17, insert:
"3.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend its regulations governing nursing home reimbursement to be effective July 1, 1997, to implement an adjustment to the nursing home operating rate for the additional reasonable costs of care of nursing home residents who are victims of traumatic brain injuries.  This rate adjustment shall be applicable only to residents with traumatic brain injuries and related behavioral problems to be defined in regulation, and who are in a unit of a nursing home that meets the criteria of a traumatic brain injury unit, also to be established in regulation.  Among these criteria shall be the condition that a traumatic brain injury unit must be a unit of not less than 20 beds."
Page 224, line 18, strike "3" and insert "4".
Page 224, line 41, strike "4" and insert "5".
Page 224, line 46, strike "5" insert "6".

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)