1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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IHIRS Recoveries (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #12c

Item 3-1.01 #12c

Interfund Transfers

Page 417, after line 33, insert:
"CC.  The Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall withhold or recover from nongeneral fund agencies, and deposit to the general fund, amounts estimated at $732,000 the first year and $997,200 the second year, through surcharges or other measures consistent with generally accepted accounting principles.  Such sums shall be derived based on each of the nongeneral fund agencies' pro rata use of the state centralized payroll processing system.  These sums shall be used for repayment of advances from the general account for development of the Integrated Human Resource Information System."

(This amendment apportions the cost of the IHRIS system between general fund and nongeneral fund agencies.)