1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Regional Jails-Recalculation

Item 287 #1c

Item 287 #1c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Treasury Board FY1997 ($225,576) FY1998 ($1,742,312) GF

Page 201, line 3, strike "$123,439,828" and insert "$123,214,252".
Page 201, line 3, strike "$156,241,455" and insert "$154,499,143".
Page 202, line 41, strike "A.P. Hill" and insert "Peumansend Creek".
Page 202, line 46, strike "$225,576 the first year and".
Page 202, line 46, strike "$2,175,649" and insert "$433,337".

(This amendment reduces the Virginia Public Building Authority appropriation for debt service payments on regional jail financings in each year, to reflect up-to-date projections of construction plans, draw schedules, and financing assumptions. The amendment also reflects a change in the name of one of the regional jails.)