1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Stadium Authority - NoVa & Hampton Roads (language only)

Item 270 #1c

Item 270 #1c

Accounts, Department of

Page 190, line 38, after "4.1-235,", insert:
"15.1-227.84, 15.1-1702, 58.1-608.3,".
Page 191, after line 36, insert:
"C.1.  There is hereby appropriated for payment to the Virginia Baseball Stadium Authority from the subprogram Other Services a sum sufficient equal to the state personal, corporate, and pass-through entity income and sales and use tax revenues to which the Authority is entitled, contingent upon the passage of legislation amending §15.1-227.84, Code of Virginia, for that purpose.
2.  There is hereby appropriated for payment to the Hampton Roads Sports Facility Authority from the subprogram Other Services a sum sufficient equal to the state personal, corporate, and pass-through entity income and sales and use tax revenues to which the Authority is entitled, contingent upon the passage of legislation amending §15.1-1702, Code of Virginia, for that purpose."

(This amendment allows for the appropriation of state income and sales tax revenues to the Virginia Baseball Stadium Authority and to the Hampton Roads Sports Facility Authority, should such appropriation be required this biennium. The budget amendments are pursuant to House Bills 2552 and 2741.)