1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Library Security

Item 249 #3c

Item 249 #3c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Education: Other
The Library of Virginia FY1997 ($84,500) FY1998 ($84,500) GF

Page 177, line 17, strike "$5,596,346" and insert "$5,511,846".
Page 177, line 17, strike "$5,571,346" and insert "$5,486,846".
Page 178, after line 3, insert:
"E.  The appropriation reduction shall not be accompanied by an allotment reduction for the Library of Virginia in the first year because a transfer of funds has already occurred administratively from the library to Capitol Police in the first year for security at the new library facility."

(This amendment transfers appropriation authority to the Division of Capitol Police for security at the new facility of the Library of Virginia in downtown Richmond. A companion amendment is found in Item 17. The amendments reflect an interagency agreement entered into in the first year between the library and the Capitol Police which called for the library to transfer $84,500 to the Capital Police for security. Because of the way the state's financial accounting system works, technical language is provided to prevent the library from having its fiscal year 1997 appropriation reduced twice: once to reflect the transfer already made, and once to reflect the reduction made in the Appropriation Act.)