1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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CNU Positions (language only)

Item 217 #3c

Item 217 #3c

Education: Higher Education
Christopher Newport University
Christopher Newport University FY1997 0.00 FY1998 25.00 FTE

Page 166, line 41, strike "191.26" and insert "202.51".
Page 166, line 42, strike the second "313.66" and insert "327.41".
Page 166, line 43, strike "504.92" and insert "529.92".

(This amendment provides 25.0 FTE positions in the second year for groundskeeping and housekeeping services at Christopher Newport University. These services currently are carried out under private contract. However, "privatization" has not resulted in significant cost savings and CNU wishes to improve quality by bringing the services back under direct university control.)