1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Protective Orders in VCIN (language only)

Item 21 #5c

Item 21 #5c

Judicial Department
Supreme Court

Page 15, after line 35, insert:
"E. The Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court and the Superintendent of the Department of State Police shall jointly consider the steps necessary to facilitate the entry of protective orders into the Virginia Criminal Information Network (VCIN), to ensure that the information so provided is available to law enforcement agencies on a timely basis.  The Executive Secretary and the Superintendent shall jointly report on their findings and recommendations to the Commission on Family Violence Prevention and to the 1998 General Assembly."

(This amendment directs the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court and the Superintendent of the Department of State Police to report on steps needed to enhance the tracking and enforcement of protective orders. This amendment is recommended by the Commission on Family Violence Prevention.)