1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Study Using EPSDT for Residential Srvcs. (language only)

Item 153 #2c

Item 153 #2c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families

Page 128, after line 50, insert:
"F.  The Office of Comprehensive Services, in conjunction with the Department of Medical Assistance Services, shall study the possible use of Early Periodic Screening and Diagnostic Testing (EPSDT) funding to cover residential psychiatric services.  As part of the study, the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall determine the cost to local governments for Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) children who may be eligible for these services and the number of non-CSA children who may be eligible for these services.  The study shall address the advisability of using EPSDT funding for these services, after determining the possible number of children eligible and provider rates required under the Boren Amendment.  Local Community Planning and Management Teams, as a condition of receiving base or supplemental CSA funds, shall cooperate with the Department of Medical Assistance Services' data collection efforts required to conduct this study.  The plan shall be reported to the Governor and to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 15, 1997."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)