1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Census Loss

Item 140 #3c

Item 140 #3c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY1997 $2,126,194 FY1998 $0 GF

Page 103, line 11, strike "$2,062,464,408" and insert "$2,064,590,602".
Page 111, line 40, after "Transition" insert "/Census Loss Payments".
Page 112, after line 26, insert:
"c.  An additional state payment of $2,126,194 in the first year from the general fund shall be disbursed by the Department of Education to provide a one-time payment to school divisions receiving less state funding in the first year as a result of a loss in school age population between the years 1992 and 1996.  The additional payment shall be made to local school divisions requesting such payment, for a percentage of the difference between the funding the division would receive using the 1992 Census in the first year and the funding that would be received from these accounts in the first year using the 1992/1996 Blended Census, as projected in HB 1600/SB 700, as introduced.  Such payments shall be made as determined below:
Composite Index Percentage
0.0000     0.1999      85%
0.2000     0.3499      70%
0.3500     0.4999      45%
0.5000 or more      30%".

(This amendment provides a Census Loss Payment in the first year.)