1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Appropriation of Goals 2000 NGF

Item 140 #16c

Item 140 #16c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY1997 $6,200,305 FY1998 $8,684,679 NGF

Page 103, line 11, strike "$2,062,464,408" and insert "$2,068,664,713".
Page 103, line 11, strike "$2,132,471,897" and insert "$2,141,156,576".
Page 103, after line 53, insert:
"Educational Technology Payments (17518):  The Goals 2000:  Educate America Act, Public Law 103-227, Federal Code."
Page 118, after line 10, insert:
"g.  An amount estimated at $6,200,305 the first year and $8,684,679 the second year from nongeneral funds is appropriated pursuant to the Goals 2000:  Educate America Act."

(This amendment appropriates the Goals 2000 funding for disbursement.)