1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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JLARC study of Conservation and Recreation Dept. (language only)

Item 14 #4c

Item 14 #4c

Legislative Department
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

Page 12, after line 32, insert:
"J. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall review the organization, operation, and performance of the Department of Conservation and Recreation as well as the Department's compliance with its legislative mandate.  This review shall include, but not be limited to, the following:  (1) an examination of the Department's progress towards completing capital outlay and land acquisition projects authorized by the 1992 General Obligation Bond Referendum; (2) a review of the maintenance and staffing of state parks; (3) an examination of the Department's non-point pollution control programs; and (4) the organization and management of the Department, including the Department's ongoing reorganization, hiring practices and grant-making processes. The Commission shall submit its report to the 1998 General Assembly.  All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate fully with the Commission and shall provide all information requested by the Commission and its staff.  The Department of Conservation and Recreation shall also provide the Commission's staff with access to the Department's employees for confidential interviews, as deemed appropriate by the Commission and its staff."

(This amendment directs JLARC to review the Department of Conservation and Recreation.)