1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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JLARC-Reg/Provision-Child Care (language only)

Item 14 #1c

Item 14 #1c

Legislative Department
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

Page 12, after line 32, insert:
"J. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall conduct a follow-up study of its 1990 report entitled, "The Regulation and Provision of Child Day Care in Virginia."  The Commission's review shall examine: (1) the administration, management and funding of child day care by state government; (2) the revised licensing structure for child day care, including but not limited to proposed regulatory changes for child day care centers; (3) staffing for the child day care licensing program; and (4) regulatory approaches in other states.  The Commission shall report on its findings and recommendations prior to September 1, 1997.  All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Commission and its staff in the completion of this review."

(This amendment directs JLARC to conduct a follow-up study of child day care.)