1997 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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VPBA Prison Equipment (language only)

Item C-66.20 #1c

Item C-66.20 #1c

Public Safety
Corrections, Department of

Page 406, strike lines 36-39.
Page 407, strike lines 1-10, and insert:
"C-66.20 In the event that legislation amending the fourth enactment of Chapter 878, 1992 Acts of Assembly, as amended by the sixth enactment of Chapter 841, 1995 Acts of Assembly, shall fail to be adopted during the 1997 Session of the General Assembly, the Governor may allocate from the unexpended, unobligated balance available on June 30, 1997, an amount not to exceed $6,000,000, for the acquisition of equipment for the following projects:
Keen Mountain Prototype Correctional Facility #2 (Red Onion): $2,000,000
Keen Mountain Prototype Correctional Facility #4 (Sussex II):  $2,000,000
Keen Mountain Prototype Correctional Facility #5 (Wallens Ridge): $2,000,000."

(This amendment eliminates language proposed in the budget, as introduced, which would have transferred bond authority from a detention center project (as authorized in Chapter 841, Acts of Assembly 1995) to a new project to purchase equipment for the Red Onion and Sussex II Correctional Centers. This amendment also provides that an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 from the unexpended, unobligated balances for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, be used for the acquisition of the necessary equipment for these two facilities and for the Wallens Ridge Correctional Center, should legislation fail which would authorize the purchase of the equipment through the Virginia Public Building Authority.)