1997 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

UVA Supplement to Chem. Chillers

Item C-20.50 #1c

Item C-20.50 #1c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Education: Higher Education
University of Virginia FY1997 $2,500,000 FY1998 $0 NGF

Page 393, after line 41, insert:
"C-20.50.  New Construction: Supplement to Chemistry
Building Chillers (15914)           $2,500,000 $0
Fund Sources:  Higher Education Operating $2,500,000 $0
The funds in this item shall supplement those funds provided in Item C-7.10 of this act for this project."

(This amendment provides funds for construction of a second chiller for the Chemistry Building project. One chiller was funded in Chapter 912, 1996 Appropriation Act, Item C-7.10. The second chiller is necessary to provide reliable capacity for the buildings of the West Grounds.)