1997 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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MCV Technical Adjustment (language only)

Item 551.45 #1c

Item 551.45 #1c

Independent Agencies
Medical College of Virginia Hospitals Authority
Medical College of Virginia Hospitals Authority FY1997 0.00 FY1998 -142.26 FTE

Page 372, line 5, strike "3,869.64" and insert "3,727.38"

(This amendment makes a technical adjustment in the second year to the authorized employment level of the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals Authority. Certain administrative and classified positions have been split-funded with Virginia Commonwealth University, which now will provide various contractual services for MCV. Because MCV is now an independent agency, the positions can no longer be "shared." The budget bill, as introduced, made a similar adjustment for faculty and research positions.)