1997 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Sen. Stolle Floor Amendment/Camp Pendleton (language only)

Item 3-3.03 #1c

Item 3-3.03 #1c

General Fund Deposits
Payments for Surplus Real Property

Page 419, strike lines 35-41, and insert:
"The City of Virginia Beach shall pay to the Commonwealth, at terms to be determined, $6,299,518 to purchase surplus properties at Camp Pendleton State Military Reservation, pursuant to Chapter 690 of the 1994 Acts of Assembly.  The City shall retain $2,800,000 for a Beach and Shoreline Management and Restoration Project pursuant to Chapter 655 of the 1992 Acts of Assembly.  Proceeds in excess of the $2,800,000 shall be transferred to the state treasury with one-half of the amount deposited to the general fund and one-half of the amount deposited to the credit of the Conservation Resources Fund.  If the Restoration Project has not been constructed by June 30, 2001, then the City shall return $2,800,000 to the Commonwealth."

(This amendment changes the requirements for the City of Virginia Beach to retain funding related to the sale of Camp Pendleton. The amendment reflects the fact that the federal government will not provide funding for a Beach and Shoreline Management and Restoration Project and that the City of Virginia Beach will provide the entire $8.5 million for the project on its own. This amendment returns the wording to its original form, pursuant to the actual contract to sell certain portions of Camp Pendleton to Virginia Beach. It also eliminates any reference to a local match for federal funding, since it is now expected that the federal government will not participate in the project. In addition, it requires that if Virginia Beach does not construct the project by June 30, 2001, then the city will be required to return the $2.8 million provided from the sale of the Camp Pendleton property back to the state treasury.)