1997 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Committee Approved)

CNU Sports Center

Item C-35.40 #3h

Item C-35.40 #3h

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Education: Higher Education
Christopher Newport University FY1997 $0 FY1998 $5,000,000 NGF

Page 399, after line 24, insert:
"C-35.40  New Construction:  Sports, Wellness and Convocation Center, Phase I (15887)            $0   $5,000,000
Fund Sources:  Higher Education Operating  $0   $5,000,000".

(This amendment provides nongeneral fund authority for planning and construction of the first phase of an estimated $20 million project involving a new Sports, Wellness and Convocation Center at Christopher Newport University. The source of funds for this phase is institutional reserves and private contributions.)