1997 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Committee Approved)

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VDOT to DRPT (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #5h

Item 3-1.01 #5h

Interfund Transfers

Page 417, after line 33, insert:
"CC.  Prior to June 30, 1998, the Comptroller shall transfer to the Department of Rail and Public Transportation $5,617,173 from the Commonwealth Transportation Fund."

(This amendment transfers excess balances in the Department of Transportation Industrial, Rail and Airport Access Program to the Department of Rail and Public Transportation to offset federal cuts in aid to local mass transit operations, and to provide $500,000 for replacement vehicles for programs that meet the special transportation needs of the disabled and the aging. A companion amendment in Item 505 establishes a cap on the balances in the Access Program.)