Member Request | | |
292#1s | Information on Preferred Provider Programs (Language Only) |
292#2s | Medicaid Eligibility Processing of Renewals | $12,100,000 | $12,100,000 |
292#3s | Comprehensive Plan for Health Home Delivery Model | $250,000 | $200,000 |
292#4s | Impact of Minimum Wage Increases in Budget Forecast (Language Only) |
292#5s | Feasibility of Adding Core Services Waiver | $500,000 | $0 |
292#6s | Palliative Care Workgroup | $125,000 | $125,000 |
292#7s | Community Health Worker Services Benefit | $500,000 | $0 |
292#8s | Study on the Use of Medicaid for Healthcare Services Provided in Jails (Language Only) |
292#9s | Workgroup to Study Incontinence Products (Language Only) |
292#10s | Standardization of CSB Billing Requirements (Language Only) |
292#11s | Report on Prospective Payment Systems (Language Only) |
292#12s | Revise DOE Interagency Agreement (Language Only) |
292#13s | SB 122: Plan to Transition Pharmacy Services to Fee-for-service | $250,000 | $0 |
292#14s | Medicaid Eligibility for SSI Recipients | $500,000 | $0 |
292#15s | SB 610: Waiver Slot Retention Requests | $50,000 | $50,000 |
292#16s | Centralize Medicaid Mail Operations Currently Directed to Local DSS | $6,716,066 | $13,135,609 |
Committee Approved | | |
292#1s | Standardization of CSB Billing Requirements (Language Only) |
292#2s | System Change for New Benefit (SB 499) | $1,000,000 | $0 |
292#3s | Community Health Worker Services Benefit | $250,000 | $0 |
292#4s | Modify Implementation of Managed Care Reprocurement | -$590,000 | -$590,000 |
292#5s | Evaluation of Medicaid Eligibility Determination | $1,000,000 | $0 |
292#6s | Modify External Financial Review Committee Requirements (Language Only) |
292#7s | Disproportionate Share Hospital Workgroup (Language Only) |
292#8s | Violence Prevention Services Benefit (Language Only) |
292#9s | Third Party Liability Staffing (Language Only) |
292#10s | Fiscal Agent Services System (Language Only) |
292#11s | Study on the Use of Medicaid for Healthcare Services Provided in Jails (Language Only) |
Floor Approved | | |
292#1s | Standardization of CSB Billing Requirements (Language Only) |
292#2s | System Change for New Benefit (SB 499) | $1,000,000 | $0 |
292#3s | Community Health Worker Services Benefit | $250,000 | $0 |
292#4s | Modify Implementation of Managed Care Reprocurement | -$590,000 | -$590,000 |
292#5s | Evaluation of Medicaid Eligibility Determination | $1,000,000 | $0 |
292#6s | Modify External Financial Review Committee Requirements (Language Only) |
292#7s | Disproportionate Share Hospital Workgroup (Language Only) |
292#8s | Violence Prevention Services Benefit (Language Only) |
292#9s | Third Party Liability Staffing (Language Only) |
292#10s | Fiscal Agent Services System (Language Only) |
292#11s | Study on the Use of Medicaid for Healthcare Services Provided in Jails (Language Only) |