2024 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 25 Amendments

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Member Request
25#1hHJ 22: JLARC Study on Skilled Nursing, Long-Term Care, and Community Care Facilities $250,000$0
25#2hHJ 50: JLARC Study on Transfer of DJJ to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources$500,000$0
25#3hHJ 33: JLARC Study on Distribution of 599 Funding$30,000$30,000
25#4hHJ 38: JLARC Study Cost of Felony Drug Possessions$100,000$0
25#5hJLARC Study on Grievance Procedures$50,000$50,000
25#6hHJR: JLARC Study on Environmental Impact of Data Centers$500,000$0
25#7hHB 556: JLARC Study on Judicial Processes$50,000$0
Committee Approved
25#1hTechnical Legislative Language Updates  (Language Only)
Floor Approved
25#1hTechnical Legislative Language Updates  (Language Only)
Conference Report
25#1cTechnical Legislative Language Updates  (Language Only)