2024 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 6 Amendments

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Member Request
6#1sVirginia Autism Advisory Council$15,000$15,000
6#2sIncrease Positions for Legislative Services (Language Only)
6#3sExtend the Joint Subcommittee to Examine the Commonwealth's Pandemic Response (Language Only)
Committee Approved
6#1sExtend the Joint Subcommittee to Examine the Commonwealth's Pandemic Response (Language Only)
6#2sIncrease Positions for Legislative Services (Language Only)
Floor Approved
6#1sExtend the Joint Subcommittee to Examine the Commonwealth's Pandemic Response (Language Only)
6#2sIncrease Positions for Legislative Services (Language Only)