2024 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Department of Taxation

Item 259

Item 259

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Tax Value Assistance to Localities (73400)$2,377,024$2,377,024
Training for Local Assessors (73401)FY2025 $160,394FY2026 $160,394
Valuation and Assessment Assistance for Localities (73410)FY2025 $2,216,630FY2026 $2,216,630
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2025 $835,047FY2026 $835,047
SpecialFY2025 $1,541,977FY2026 $1,541,977

Authority: Title 58.1, Chapters 32, 34, 35, 36, and 39 and §§ 58.1-202, subdivisions 6, 10, and 11, 58.1-206; §§ 58.1-2655, 58.1-3239, 58.1-3278, and 58.1-3374, Code of Virginia.

A. The department is hereby authorized to recover from participating localities, as special funds, the direct costs associated with assessor/property tax and local valuation and assessments training classes. In accordance with § 58.1-206, Code of Virginia, the assessing officers and board members attending shall continue to be reimbursed for the actual expenses incurred by their attendance at the programs.

B. In the expenditure of funds out of its appropriations for determination of true values of locally taxable real estate for use by the Board of Education in state school fund distributions, the Department of Taxation shall use a sufficiently representative sampling of parcels, in accordance with the classification system as established in § 58.1-208, Code of Virginia, to reflect actual true values; further, the department shall, upon request of any local school board, review its initial determination and promptly inform the Board of Education of corrections in such determination.

C. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the requirement that the Department of Taxation print and distribute local tax forms, instructions, and property tax books shall be satisfied by the posting of such documents on the department's web site.