2024 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Department of Accounts Transfer Payments

Item 251

Item 251

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Financial Assistance to Localities - General (72800)
     a sum sufficient, estimated at
Distribution of Rolling Stock Taxes (72806)FY2025 $6,530,000FY2026 $6,530,000
Distribution of Recordation Taxes (72808)FY2025 $20,000,000FY2026 $20,000,000
Financial Assistance to Localities - Rental Vehicle Tax (72810)FY2025 $50,000,000FY2026 $50,000,000
Distribution of Sales Tax Revenues from Certain Public Facilities (72811)FY2025 $2,000,000FY2026 $2,000,000
Distribution of Tennessee Valley Authority Payments in Lieu of Taxes (72812)FY2025 $1,250,000FY2026 $1,250,000
Distribution of the Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax (72816)FY2025 $350,000,000FY2026 $350,000,000
Distribution of Payments to Localities for Enhanced Emergency Communications Services (72817)FY2025 $37,000,000FY2026 $37,000,000
Distribution of Sales Tax Revenues from Certain Tourism Projects (72819)FY2025 $600,000FY2026 $600,000
Distribution of Historic Triangle Sales Tax Collections (72820)FY2025 $28,000,000FY2026 $28,000,000
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2025 $30,380,000FY2026 $30,380,000
Trust and AgencyFY2025 $50,000,000FY2026 $50,000,000
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2025 $415,000,000FY2026 $415,000,000

Authority: §§ 15.2-5914, 58.1-608.3, 58.1-662, 58.1-816, 58.1-1736, 58.1-1741, 58.1-2658.1, and 58.1-3406, Code of Virginia.

A.1. In order to carry out the provisions of § 58.1-645 et seq., Code of Virginia, there is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient amount of nongeneral fund revenues estimated at $350,000,000 in the first year and $350,000,000 in the second year equal to the revenues collected pursuant to § 58.1-645 et seq., Code of Virginia, from the Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax. All revenue received by the Commonwealth pursuant to the provisions of § 58.1-645 et seq., Code of Virginia, shall be paid into the state treasury and deposited to the Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax Fund and shall be distributed pursuant to § 58.1-662, Code of Virginia, and Item 270 of this act. For the purposes of the State Comptroller's preliminary and final annual reports required by § 2.2-813, Code of Virginia, however, all deposits to and disbursements from the fund shall be accounted for as part of the general fund of the state treasury.

2. It is the intent of the General Assembly that all such revenues be distributed to counties, cities, and towns, the Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, and to the Department of Taxation for the costs of administering the Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax Fund.

B. In order to carry out the provisions of § 58.1-1734 et seq., Code of Virginia, there is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient amount of nongeneral fund revenues estimated at $50,000,000 in the first year and $50,000,000 in the second year equal to the revenues collected pursuant to A. 2. of § 58.1-1736 Code of Virginia, from the Virginia Motor Vehicle Rental Tax.

C. In order to carry out the provisions of § 56-484:17 et seq., Code of Virginia, there is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient amount of nongeneral fund revenues estimated at $37,000,000 in the first year and $37,000,000 in the second year equal to the revenues collected pursuant to § 56-484.17:1, Code of Virginia, from the Virginia Wireless Tax.

D. In order to carry out the provisions of § 58.1-603.2, there is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient amount of nongeneral fund revenues estimated at $28,000,000 the first year and $28,000,000 the second year equal to the revenues collected pursuant to § 58.1-603.2, Code of Virginia, from the additional state sales and use tax in the Historic Triangle.

E.1. Out of this appropriation, amounts estimated at $20,000,000 the first year and $20,000,000 the second year from the general fund shall be deposited into the Hampton Roads Regional Transit Fund, as provided in § 33.2-2600.1, Code of Virginia, from revenues collected pursuant to § 58.1-816 B., Code of Virginia.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 58.1-816, Code of Virginia, the appropriation in this Item for the distribution of recordation taxes is not subject to the sum sufficient provisions of this Item.