2024 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Department of Accounts

Item 246

Item 246

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Information Systems Management and Direction (71100)$45,422,533$45,810,683
Financial Oversight for Performance Budgeting System (71107)FY2025 $3,272,531FY2026 $3,400,931
Financial Oversight for Cardinal System (71108)FY2025 $42,150,002FY2026 $42,409,752
Fund Sources:  
Internal ServiceFY2025 $45,422,533FY2026 $45,810,683

Authority: Title 2.2 Chapter 8, Code of Virginia

A. The appropriation for Financial Oversight for Performance Budgeting System and Financial Oversight for Cardinal System is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from internal service funds for the Commonwealth's enterprise applications which shall be paid solely from revenues derived from charges for services. All users of the Commonwealth's enterprise applications shall be assessed a surcharge based on licenses, transactions, or other meaningful methodology as determined by the Secretary of Finance and the owner of the enterprise application, which shall be deposited in the fund. Additionally, the State Comptroller shall recover the cost of services provided for the administration of the fund through interagency transactions as determined by the State Comptroller.

1. Out of this appropriation, the Performance Budgeting System is appropriated $3,272,531 the first year and $3,400,931 the second year from internal service fund revenues.

2. Out of this appropriation, the Cardinal Financial System is appropriated $20,493,396 the first year and $20,678,421 the second year from internal service fund revenues.

3. Out of this appropriation, the Cardinal Human Capital Management (HCM) system is appropriated $21,656,606 the first year and $21,731,331 the second year from internal service fund revenues.

4. The State Comptroller shall submit revised projections of revenues and expenditures for the internal service funds for the Commonwealth's enterprise applications and estimates of any anticipated changes to fee schedules in accordance with § 4-5.03 of this act.

5. In the event that expenses of the enterprise applications become due before costs have been fully recovered in the department's internal service fund, a treasury loan shall be provided to the department to finance these costs. This treasury loan shall be repaid from the proceeds collected in the funds.

B. 1. In order to capitalize on the efficiencies and benefits of the successfully implemented Commonwealth Enterprise Resource Planning system, Cardinal, a Cardinal Governance Committee (CGC) shall be established to evaluate and recommend expansion options for the Cardinal Financials and Human Capital Management (HCM) applications. The CGC shall analyze expansion opportunities in both the financial and human resources arenas that will most benefit Commonwealth state agencies in meeting their agency missions and core objectives. Additionally, this evaluation will analyze opportunities that could possibly allow for the decommissioning of agency-based systems in favor of the Commonwealth's enterprise system to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness. Once these opportunities are evaluated and finalized, the CGC shall present recommendations to the Commonwealth's Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Administration for review. Upon their approval of any such recommendations, the Cardinal Program will have the authority to proceed with these projects, subject to available funding.

2. In order to support and maintain the Cardinal project initiative, a working capital advance (WCA) of up to $12,000,000 is provided to the Cardinal program as start-up funding in anticipation of final approved funding. No funds shall be drawn and expended from this WCA without the prior approval of the Secretary of Finance.