2024 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)


Item 4-6.04

Item 4-6.04

§ 4-6.04 CHARGES

a. FOOD SERVICES: Except as exempted by the prior written approval of the Director, Department of Human Resource Management, and the provisions of § 2.2-3605, Code of Virginia, state employees shall be charged for meals served in state facilities. Charges for meals will be determined by the agency. Such charges shall be not less than the value of raw food and the cost of direct labor and utilities incidental to preparation and service. Each agency shall maintain records as to the calculation of meal charges and revenues collected. Except where appropriations for operation of the food service are from nongeneral funds, all revenues received from such charges shall be paid directly and promptly into the general fund. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to on-duty employees assigned to correctional facilities operated by the Departments of Corrections and Juvenile Justice.


1. Each agency will collect a fee from state employees who occupy state-owned or leased housing, subject to guidelines provided by the Director, Department of General Services. Each agency head is responsible for establishing a fee for state-owned or leased housing and for documenting in writing why the rate established was selected. In exceptional circumstances, which shall be documented as being in the best interest of the Commonwealth by the agency requesting an exception, the Director, Department of General Services may waive the requirement for collection of fees.

2. All revenues received from housing fees shall be promptly deposited in the state treasury. For housing for which operating expenses or rent are financed by general fund appropriations, such revenues shall be deposited to the credit of the general fund. For housing for which operating expenses or rent are financed by nongeneral fund appropriations, such revenues shall be deposited to the credit of the nongeneral fund. Agencies which provide housing for which operating expenses or rent are financed from both general fund and nongeneral fund appropriations shall allocate such revenues, when deposited in the state treasury, to the appropriate fund sources in the same proportion as the appropriations. However, without exception, any portion of a housing fee attributable to depreciation for housing which was constructed with general fund appropriations shall be paid into the general fund.


1.  State-owned parking facilities

Agencies with parking space for employees in state-owned facilities shall, when required by the Director, Department of General Services, charge employees for such space on a basis approved by the Governor. All revenues received from such charges shall be paid directly and promptly into a special fund in the state treasury to be used, as determined by the Governor, for payment of costs for the provision of vehicle parking spaces. Interest shall be added to the fund as earned. ­

2.  Leased parking facilities in metropolitan Richmond area

Agencies occupying private sector leased or rental space in the metropolitan Richmond area, not including institutions of higher education, shall be required to charge a fee to employees for vehicle parking spaces that are assigned to them or are otherwise available either incidental to the lease or rental agreement or pursuant to a separate lease agreement for private parking space. In such cases, the individual employee parking fee shall not be less than that paid by employees parking in Department of General Services parking facilities at the Seat of Government. The Director, Department of General Services may amend or waive the fee requirement for good cause. Revenues derived from employees paying for parking spaces in leased facilities will be retained by the leasing agency to be used to offset the cost of the lease to which it pertains. Any lease for private parking space must be approved by the Director, Department of General Services.

3. The assignment of Lot P1A of the Department of General Services, Capitol Area Site Plan, to include parking spaces 1 through 37, but excluding spaces 34 and 36, which shall be reserved for the Department of General Services, and the surrounding surfaces around those spaces  shall be under the control of the  Committee on Joint Rules and administered by the Clerk of the House and the Clerk of the Senate.  Any employee permanently assigned to any of these spaces shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this item.

4.a. The assignment of 300 parking spaces in the Department of General Services parking facility to be built at the corner of 9th and Broad Streets in the City of Richmond, shall be under the control of the Committee on Joint Rules and administered by the Clerk of the House and the Clerk of the Senate. Such parking spaces shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this item.

b. The remaining parking spaces in the Department of General Services parking facility to be built at the corner of the 9th and Broad Streets in the City of Richmond shall be under the control of and administered by the Department of General Services; however, the Department shall prioritize remaining spaces in the DGS parking system to full-time employees of the Legislative Department with permanent offices in the General Assembly Building who participate in the DGS parking system on an annual basis.  Such parking spaces shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this item.