2024 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Nonstate Agencies, Interstate Compacts and Organizational Memberships

Item 4-5.05

Item 4-5.05


a. The accounts of any agency, however titled, which receives funds from this or any other appropriating act, and is not owned or controlled by the Commonwealth of Virginia, shall be subject to audit or shall present an audit acceptable to the Auditor of Public Accounts when so directed by the Governor or the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission.

b.1. For purposes of this subsection, the definition of "nonstate agency" is that contained in § 2.2-1505, Code of Virginia.

2. Allotment of appropriations to nonstate agencies shall be subject to the following criteria:

a) Such agency is located in and operates in Virginia.

b) The agency must be open to the public or otherwise engaged in activity of public interest, with expenditures having actually been incurred for its operation.

3. No allotment of appropriations shall be made to a nonstate agency until such agency has certified to the Secretary of Finance that cash or in-kind contributions are on hand and available to match equally all or any part of an appropriation which may be provided by the General Assembly, unless the organization is specifically exempted from this requirement by language in this act. Such matching funds shall not have been previously used to meet the match requirement in any prior appropriation act.

4. Operating appropriations for nonstate agencies equal to or in excess of $150,000 shall be disbursed to nonstate agencies in twelve or fewer equal monthly installments depending on when the first payment is made within the fiscal year. Operating appropriations for nonstate agencies of less than $150,000 shall be disbursed in one payment once the nonstate agency has successfully met applicable match and application requirements.

5. The provisions of § 2.2-4343 A 14, Code of Virginia shall apply to any expenditure of state appropriations by a nonstate agency.

c.1. Each interstate compact commission and each organization in which the Commonwealth of Virginia or a state agency thereof holds membership, and the dues for which are provided in this act or any other appropriating act, shall submit its biennial budget request to the state agency under which such commission or organization is listed in this act. The state agency shall include the request of such commission or organization within its own request, but identified separately. Requests by the commission or organization for disbursements from appropriations shall be submitted to the designated state agency.

2. Each state agency shall submit by November 1 each year, a report to the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, listing the name and purpose for organizational memberships held by that agency with annual dues of $5,000 or more.  The institutions of higher education shall be exempt from this reporting requirement.