2023 1

Budget Bill - HB1400 (Introduced)

Item 483 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
483#1hInclude State Funded Brain Injury Program Workers As State Supported Local Empl.$0$350,000
483#2hInclude State Funded Brain Injury Program Workers As State Supported Local Empl.$0$350,000
483#3hHB 1789 - RHC for Retired Constitutional Officers and their Employees $0$5,434,000
483#4hHB 2314 - Increase Retiree Health Credit to $5 per year of Service $0$10,000,000
483#5hHB 2299 - Add DCR Sworn Officers to VaLORS $0$1,400,000
483#6hProvide One-Time Additional COLA Adjustment to Retirees$0$48,900,000
483#7hRedirect Funding for Employee Bonuses to Permenant Raises  (Language Only)
483#8hHB 2038 - Coverage for Incapacitated Adult Children.$0$50,000
483#9hHB 2292 - Mandate LEOS Benefits for SROs$0$10,000,000
483#10hHB 2318 - Amend Hours of Work Requirement for VRS Eligiblity$0$50,000
483#11hHB 2089 - Health insurance coverage for prescription contraceptives$0$50,000
Committee Approved
483#1hHB 2314 - Provide COLA for Retiree Health Care Credit for State Employees $0$7,582,000
483#2hRedirect Funding for Employee Bonuses to Permanent Raises $0-$65,525,956
483#3hHB 1789 - RHC for Retired Constitutional Officers and their Employees $0$750,000
483#4hIncrease Lump Sum Payments for RHC Credit$0$20,000,000
Floor Approved
483#1hHB 2314 - Provide COLA for Retiree Health Care Credit for State Employees $0$7,582,000
483#2hRedirect Funding for Employee Bonuses to Permanent Raises $0-$65,525,956
483#3hHB 1789 - RHC for Retired Constitutional Officers and their Employees $0$750,000
483#4hIncrease Lump Sum Payments for RHC Credit$0$20,000,000