2023 1

Budget Bill - HB1400 (Introduced)

Item 128 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
128#1hDefer Additional Positions in Office of Secretary of Education$0-$438,000
128#2hStudy of Childcare Workforce Regulation (Language Only)
128#3hVirtual and Augmented Reality Technology Workgroup$0$75,000
128#4hThreat Assessment Team Resources (Language Only)
Committee Approved
128#1hReview of Childcare Workforce Regulation (Language Only)
128#2hReview Maximization of Head Start Programs (Language Only)
128#3hVirginia Museum of Transportation Workgroup (Language Only)
Floor Approved
128#1hReview of Childcare Workforce Regulation (Language Only)
128#2hReview Maximization of Head Start Programs (Language Only)
128#3hVirginia Museum of Transportation Workgroup (Language Only)