2022 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 55 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
55#1hHB 1149: Children's Cabinet$10,000$10,000
55#2hHB 595: Special Assistant for Disability Rights Advocacy$250,000$100,000
55#3hHB 952: Virginia African Diaspora Advisory Board$50,000$0
55#4gAdd Positions to Support the Office of the Chief Transformation Officer$1,500,000$1,500,000
Committee Approved
55#1hHB 191: Special Advisor for Health Workforce Development$170,250$170,250
55#2hDefer Funding and Positions for the Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board-$255,388-$459,544
55#3hRemoves Dues for the Southeast Crescent Commission-$325,000-$325,000
55#4hRemove Additional Positions for Children's Ombudsman-$181,031-$206,706
55#5hSpecial Assistant for Disability Rights Advocacy$250,000$100,000
55#6hAdd Positions to Support the Office of the Chief Transformation Officer$1,500,000$1,500,000
Floor Request
55#1hTip Line Records (Language Only)
Floor Approved
55#1hHB 191: Special Advisor for Health Workforce Development$170,250$170,250
55#2hDefer Funding and Positions for the Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board-$255,388-$459,544
55#3hRemoves Dues for the Southeast Crescent Commission-$325,000-$325,000
55#4hRemove Additional Positions for Children's Ombudsman-$181,031-$206,706
55#5hSpecial Assistant for Disability Rights Advocacy$250,000$100,000
55#6hAdd Positions to Support the Office of the Chief Transformation Officer$1,500,000$1,500,000