2022 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Office of the Governor

Item 55

Item 55

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Administrative and Support Services (79900)$5,691,439$5,717,114
General Management and Direction (79901)FY2023 $5,691,439FY2024 $5,717,114
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2023 $5,667,446FY2024 $5,693,121
Federal TrustFY2023 $23,993FY2024 $23,993

Authority: Article V, Constitution of Virginia; Title 2.2, Chapter 1, Code of Virginia.

A. This appropriation includes $175,000 the first year and $175,000 the second year from the general fund to pay the salary of the Governor.

B. Out of the amounts for General Management and Direction, $75,000 each year is included for the Governor's discretionary expenses.

C. Out of the appropriation for this item $103,800 from the general fund is provided each year for the Governor's Fellows program. Any balances remaining from the appropriation identified in this paragraph shall be brought forward and made available to support the Governor's Fellows in the subsequent fiscal year. The Department of Planning and Budget is authorized to transfer amounts from the appropriation in this paragraph to applicable state agencies as required to execute the purposes of this paragraph.

D. This item includes $660,531 the first year and $686,206 the second year from the general fund and six and a half positions for the Office of the Children's Ombudsman.