2022 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 313 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
313#1hCommunity Services Boards Workforce $167,500,000$167,500,000
313#2hPart C Early Intervention$2,900,000$2,900,000
313#3hJails Discharge Planning for Persons with Serious Mental Illness (Language Only)
313#4hBright Center$500,000$0
313#5hExpand Use of Medication Assisted Treatment  (Language Only)
Committee Approved
313#1hExpand Use of Medication Assisted Treatment  (Language Only)
313#2hJails Discharge Planning for Persons with Serious Mental Illness (Language Only)
313#3hModify Increase for Permanent Supportive Housing-$5,625,000-$9,525,000
313#4hProvide ARPA in First Year for STEP-Virginia (Language Only)
313#5hChesapeake Regional Healthcare 20-bed Psychiatric Unit$3,100,000$0
313#6hProvide Targeted Salary Increase to CSB Staff$0$25,472,549
Floor Approved
313#1hExpand Use of Medication Assisted Treatment  (Language Only)
313#2hJails Discharge Planning for Persons with Serious Mental Illness (Language Only)
313#3hModify Increase for Permanent Supportive Housing-$5,625,000-$9,525,000
313#4hProvide ARPA in First Year for STEP-Virginia (Language Only)
313#5hChesapeake Regional Healthcare 20-bed Psychiatric Unit$3,100,000$0
313#6hProvide Targeted Salary Increase to CSB Staff$0$25,472,549