2022 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 136 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
136#1hPost-COVID K-12 Mental Health Support Training Pilot Program$50,000$0
136#2hExpand "Reach Virginia" Mentor Teaching Program Statewide$500,000$665,000
136#3hRISE Foundation of Waynesboro$250,000$0
136#4hMilk and Cookies Children's Program$250,000$250,000
136#5hBuild Your Future Virginia$250,000$250,000
136#7hSocial Emotional Learning Costs (Language Only)
136#8hAn Achievable Dream - Virginia Beach$500,000$500,000
136#9hVirginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program Requirements (Language Only)
136#10hDenbigh Aviation Academy$275,000$0
136#11hGovernor's Health Science Academy at Warwick High School$119,350$0
136#12hSpecial Olympics - Unified Champion Schools$150,000$150,000
136#13hGreensville-Emporia Supplemental Capital Funding$1,000,000$1,000,000
136#14hPBS Appalachia$510,000$510,000
136#15hPublic School Trades Incentive Fund - HB 1064$5,000,000$5,000,000
136#16hRecovery High School$864,000$890,000
136#17hVirginia Student Environmental Literacy Plan Grant Fund - HB 636$100,000$0
136#18h21st Century Community Learning Centers$3,750,000$3,750,000
136#19hGet Schooled - Center in the Square Roanoke$150,000$150,000
136#20hSpecial Olympics - Unified Champion Schools$150,000$150,000
136#21hVPM Media Corporation - Name Correction (Language Only)
136#22hDolly Parton's Imagination Library$6,400,000$6,400,000
136#23hVPM Media Corporation - Name Correction (Language Only)
136#24hVirginia Air and Space Museum$650,000$650,000
136#25hVision Screening Grants$391,000$391,000
136#26hVirginia Museum Workforce Initiative$500,000$0
136#27gProvide Funding for Laboratory Schools$100,000,000$50,000,000
Committee Approved
136#1hRISE Foundation of Waynesboro$250,000$0
136#2hDolly Parton's Imagination Library$481,180$1,157,065
136#3hVision Screening Grants$391,000$391,000
136#4hAttendance Recovery Program$3,500,000$0
136#5hDenbigh Aviation Academy$275,000$0
136#6hVirginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program Requirements (Language Only)
136#7hAmerican Civil War Museum$1,000,000$0
136#8hAP Computer Science $1,500,000$1,500,000
136#9hDefer Establishment or Expansion of Supplemental Grants-$7,300,000-$3,300,000
136#10hVECF - Mixed Delivery Infant & Toddler Pilot-$1,971,900-$4,736,015
136#11hPublic School Trades Incentive Fund and Program - HB 1064$3,000,000$3,000,000
136#12heMediaVA - WHRO$500,000-$500,000
136#13hVPM Media Corporation$500,000-$500,000
136#14hBlue Ridge PBS$500,000-$500,000
136#15hAn Achievable Dream - Virginia Beach$500,000$500,000
136#16hSpecial Olympics - Unified Champion Schools$150,000$150,000
136#17hRecovery High School$864,000$890,000
136#18hGet Schooled - Center in the Square Roanoke$150,000$150,000
Floor Request
136#1hMilk and Cookies Children's Program$250,000$250,000
Floor Approved
136#1hRISE Foundation of Waynesboro$250,000$0
136#2hDolly Parton's Imagination Library$481,180$1,157,065
136#3hVision Screening Grants$391,000$391,000
136#4hAttendance Recovery Program$3,500,000$0
136#5hDenbigh Aviation Academy$275,000$0
136#6hVirginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program Requirements (Language Only)
136#7hAmerican Civil War Museum$1,000,000$0
136#8hAP Computer Science $1,500,000$1,500,000
136#9hDefer Establishment or Expansion of Supplemental Grants-$7,300,000-$3,300,000
136#10hVECF - Mixed Delivery Infant & Toddler Pilot-$1,971,900-$4,736,015
136#11hPublic School Trades Incentive Fund and Program - HB 1064$3,000,000$3,000,000
136#12heMediaVA - WHRO$500,000-$500,000
136#13hVPM Media Corporation$500,000-$500,000
136#14hBlue Ridge PBS$500,000-$500,000
136#15hAn Achievable Dream - Virginia Beach$500,000$500,000
136#16hSpecial Olympics - Unified Champion Schools$150,000$150,000
136#17hRecovery High School$864,000$890,000
136#18hGet Schooled - Center in the Square Roanoke$150,000$150,000