2022 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 114 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
114#1hEstablish Restorative Homeownership Pilot Program in Richmond$5,450,000$5,450,000
114#2hVirginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; Tenant Notices$50,000$50,000
114#3hHB 596: Local Rent Stabilization Option$50,000$50,000
114#4hHB 498: Housing Registry for H-2B Visa Workers$45,000$45,000
114#5hNew Virginia Housing Stability Fund$0$73,000,000
114#6hModel Lease for Manufactured Home Lots  (Language Only)
114#7hFee Reduction for the Delivery of Property Disclosure Packets$50,000$50,000
114#8hHB 465: Local Affordable Housing Contributions from Developers $50,000$50,000
114#9hRelated to Entities of Virginia's Housing Authorities$50,000$50,000
114#10hHB 1097: Exempt Certain Property Owners from Virginia's Fair Housing Law$50,000$50,000
114#11hHB 803: Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; Nonpayment of Rent$50,000$50,000
114#12hHB 802: Enforcement of the Virginia Residential and Landlord Tenant Act$50,000$50,000
114#13hHB 160: Quarterly Certification of Compliance with Requirements Related to Tenant Safety$50,000$50,000
114#14hIncrease Support for the Virginia Housing Trust Fund$250,000,000$350,000,000
114#15hDirect VHTF to Affordable Manufactured Housing  (Language Only)
114#16hHB 804:Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; Nonrefundable Application Fee Limits$50,000$50,000
Committee Approved
114#1hLevel Fund VHTF-$70,000,000-$120,000,000
114#2hModel Lease for Manufactured Home Lots  (Language Only)
114#3hVHTF Affordable Manufactured Housing (Language Only)
114#4hHB 1301: Repeal of the Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act-$95,000,000-$95,000,000
114#5hHB 349: Homelessness Assistance for Young Adults (Language Only)
114#6hHurley Flood Relief (Language Only)
114#7hTechnical: Homeless Program Report (Language Only)
Floor Approved
114#1hLevel Fund VHTF-$70,000,000-$120,000,000
114#2hModel Lease for Manufactured Home Lots  (Language Only)
114#3hVHTF Affordable Manufactured Housing (Language Only)
114#4hHB 1301: Repeal of the Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act-$95,000,000-$95,000,000
114#5hHB 349: Homelessness Assistance for Young Adults (Language Only)
114#6hHurley Flood Relief (Language Only)
114#7hTechnical: Homeless Program Report (Language Only)